“3. Results
3.1. UPDRS Motor Score at Baseline and Post PAT
The total UPDRS motor score was analysed in order to assess the general improvement of motor
symptoms in PD patients. Baseline values for both treatment and control groups did not differ
(p(b3) = 1). The treatment group started with a baseline UPDRS score of 22.9 ± 7.72, whereas the placebo
group started with a baseline score of 23.7 ± 9.62. Figure 3A shows an improvement in the motor
scores after the treatment period, with a significant main effect of time (F(1,34) = 26.21; p(b3) = 0.00001).
The power achieved from this analysis was 99.8% (partial e2 = 0.1522, total sample size = 36). Post-hoc
comparisons confirmed that the treatment group significantly improved (p(b3)<<0.001), whereas the
control group did not improve between baseline and post-test (p(b3) = 0.16). A density histogram
was then performed in order to gain more insight into the data. Figure 3B shows the number of
participants in each group with a particular pre vs. post difference in UPDRS motor scores, expressed as
a proportion of the total. The control group has a relatively symmetrical density that centers just above
zero (mean difference = 3.4), whereas the treatment group is skewed more towards a positive difference
(mean = 6.9). The treatment group also has a small peak with a negative difference, prompting
a follow-up analysis of each individual participant (Figure 3C,D). Analysis of individuals from the
Healthcare 2020, 8, 113 6 of 13
treatment group showed three (14.2%) individuals with worse outcomes and five (33.3%) individuals
from the placebo group with worse outcomes."
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